I'm very tempted to go out and see the night life of the Lake District...
but I fear for my safety as there's been a lot of stabbing cases going around and it normally involve teenagers stabbing their friends... Dunno what is wrong with these people... Must be high on drugs or alcohol. A moment of highness that might cause some innocent life lost.. Is it worth it? I doubt...
Therefore I choose to stay at home. Gone online a thousand of times, not knowing what to do, the same music has been playing in the background a thousand of times too... I think it's time to get more new songs.
Dad has been pestering me to continue my degree, especially after attending my bro's convo recently... I'm tempted but that means it may cost alot if i choose to study here. I don't trust our local Uni... I just don't like how they work...discrimination...
Thinking of taking an online study... do I have such discipline to organise my time? Well.. maybe... If I continue to live alone.
Something has to be done soon... before i die of boredom
Should i take part time study? Should I take another job?
Maybe I should do both. I can fulfill my dad's wish, earn extra cash to cover for the study cost and keep boredom away.