I dunno why, I don't feel like going home now. I miss home, but I feel pressured. I forgot my flight schedule.
Somehow, my cousins whom we were very close last time suddenly become a snob.
The pressure to look good and display of fashion is there. I don't have the mood to shop for clothes. No fancy dress, no fancy shoes, no fancy jewelries.
I guess that's just me: Nothing fancy at all.
What sort of person I am? I'm not sure...
What does God wants me to be? Is this how He wants me to be?
He's moving out today. How am i feeling? Hmm.. sad i guess, but i'm ok.
I shouldn't be sad, otherwise it will be a pressure to him.
I won't be sad, otherwise he might think that i depend too much on him.
I shouldn't be too happy too, as he might think that I'm being insensitive.
How sensitive should i be actually? I don't know. It's too objective to be measured.
He seems very happy about it this time. It's good.
Chin Yin is right. I should let him be in his own cave. If we are meant to be, little things like this won't be able to break us off.
"So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." Matthew 19:6