Sunday, December 30, 2007

turning new leaves

I've deleted the entire blog. I do this because i want to start a fresh with the new year ushering in. I would like to improve myself... of late, i've slacked ALOT...

In this entry, i would like to note down things i want to improve, things i should continue doing & things i want to continue to achieve.

Even though i don't quite enjoy my job, i really think that i should cut down on being on MCs, turning up late for work and cursing my customers (behind their back of course..) This is not the way God wants His child to behave in the work place. I should go for MC when really sick, if i know i can't get up the next day so early, i should change shift and have more patience in those retard customers (opps.. did i say that out loud?!)
Stop being such a lazy bum and acknowledge that my pay depends on how much effort i put in... :(

My work place has toooooo many scandals going on... i should continue to ignore them just like i've been doing for the past.

I want to continue to achieve my goal of going to UK & to own a business of my own.

"Lord, i have a plan of going to UK to work for a few years, to earn enough money to start a lodge business in Vietnam or those poor country. I would like to be able to start a business there and at the same time to provide service for ministries. I pray that You will approve for this plan and see that things come true. Otherwise, I pray that You'll show us what is the path that we shall go. Show us Your way Lord. Amen"

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