Thursday, February 21, 2008

Happy Chap Goh Mei!

Happy Chap Goh Mei everyone!! :)

one thing about working in international company is that they don't bloody recognise any bloody local culture at all....

I forgot today is Chap Goh Mei. It's only until my cousin send me a msg wishing me that. In fact, i forgot what's it like to have a proper public holiday. For most public holiday, i work. People go hiking, i work. People go camp, i work. people plan this, plan that for public holiday, i can only politely decline and say i work.

Can i not go to work during those public holiday? Can... but my performance will suffer. I'll lack on my result which will cause me not to hit my target and subsequently, masuk action plan.

Today is the final day for me to hit 90% for my result. i'm only at 80% perhaps... haha... what a joke. why i suffer so much? because I didn't go to work during CNY. That's also another freaking joke. I can foresee that i'll be in action plan 2 next month... haha... wat a bloody joke.

Boss say that next month they will introduce another metric to measure our result, those that didn't hit that metric will also put into action plan... haha... freaks...
might as well put everyone in action plan since they like it so much... bloody management...

damn... the more i talk about my job, the more frustrated i am, my blood boils even more... better stop it now before this entry become a pageful of curses...

*very emo... must be PMS again...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha..come, sayang sayang...*Hug*hug*..

don't think about it..think of our BBQ party this sunday..Chicken..sausages..dolly fish...satay...hehhe...yum yum!!

Yahoo!! :P

p/s: yalor, our PMS are about the same time..but I am free from it already..yippee!! ops.. :P