Monday, February 25, 2008

People that I can't stand

1. Girls acting all fragile and weak. being feminine is one thing, but being fragile is another. Being all fragile saying that u can't sit at the back of the van and that you might get headache, all those are crap. nobody likes to sit at the back of the van, cause it's extremely bumpy. There's one thing call "pills" that you can take to get rid of the dizzyness. if we can take it, i'm sure you can "rough it out" and take it too.
2. sitting on a 'tut tut' and saying that it's "roughing out" is an extremely cold joke. If you thinking 'tut tut' is bad, well you can always choose to walk or "roughing it out" on a 'tut tut'.
3. Those that can't stand cold water. Don't give me the statement: "I can't live without hot water or water heater." or "I'll die if the hotel don't have water heater". If you can die so easily, there's no need for suicide bombers. They could just pour cold water on you and you die immediately.


Anonymous said...

it seems that you are not so happy with the trip.;) and most of the time is due to some $#%$#$#$ girls..hehehe~~ i also beh tahan those type..wakakk!! HIdup Jenn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have my support!!!!!!

Jenn said...

haha.. yalar... really beh tahan.. sometimes feel like slapping those girls..

I think this is one of the horrible trip...

Going to Vietnam with such big group also got no such kind of girls in our group, right o not?

Anonymous said...

ya lo........hahahahaa........ we too lovely liao.. :D