Monday, January 21, 2008

careless words

In the midst of my anger, i've called another human being (namely, my customers) mentally retarded. :s

things like this always happen because we are just mere human. we called people names, we indirectly make fun of them, we shot them with our sarcastic remarks thinking that we are much better than them.

Fon Ho showed very good example during our prayer retreat. Most of us will think that S is very childish in his action and his thinking, but Fon Ho somehow is very patient with him. For me, S is also getting on my nerves, though I didn't say anything about it, but the thoughts inside my head are enough to cause me to sin.

Daily Bread today says that everyone, literally EVERYONE is valuable in God's eye, therefore we shouldn't make fun of them.

We are never perfect, so what makes us so special to make fun of other people?

"Lord, remove this poisonous tongue from me, clear the sinful thoughts. Thank you for Your words in the Daily Bread, otherwise, I will still continue to sin. Continue to give me strength in this battle field! Amen"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes, i agreed with you on fon ho being patient with S.
i also felt that we need to learn from him.

hahaha..that bloody S..haahahhahaha!! :P